Tune in to the LeftMN Radio Hour!
Tony, and Aaron and I are moving our podcast, Not Almanac, to a new format with a new name.
The new show is called the LeftMN Radio Hour, and it will be broadcast on AM950, the “Progressive Voice of Minnesota,” on Sunday afternoons at 2 o’clock. You’ll be able to stream the show at the station’s website, linked above, too.
The first show is tomorrow, Sunday, June 10, 2012, at 2 PM.
Here’s an update from Tony, who understands all the technical stuff:
You can listen in a multitude of ways, on the the ol’ radio box of course. Also, on the internets in various fashions, like streaming on your PC or Mac, and streaming on your iPhone/iPad or Android device via the AM950 smartphone app.
Also, after the program has concluded we will be posting the podcast, so you’ve got that going for you too. With all of these listening options, you should feel nothing but shame if you don’t listen to the show at some point. And I’m only slightly kidding.
You can expect the same news and commentary as the podcast with the addition of interesting and insightful guests.
Aaron’s out of town this week, but tomorrow’s show features Tony and I interviewing Carolyn Jackson, the legislative coordinator for the Minnesota branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, and Mike Dean, the executive director of Common Cause Minnesota, about the proposed photo voter ID amendment in Minnesota and the recent petition brought in the Minnesota Supreme Court to toss the question off the ballot.
We hope that you will listen in, but if you can’t, you’ll be able to listen to a pod cast of the show here after it airs.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.