A school bus named “Kurt”
Kurt Bills is scarce these days. Even John Gilmore is worried about him:
Don’t look now but that invasion of fake republicans, also known as Ron Paul supporters, have largely abandoned the hapless school teacher they corralled into the MN GOP endorsement for US Senate, Kurt Bills. MC happens to love people who say they told us so, especially because in this instance MC fairly led the charge against these politically unserious people who temporarily seized control of the endorsement mechanisms to hijack the party. But many others also saw the danger and sounded the alarm.
Well, I guess not exactly worried. “Disgusted” is the word that comes most readily to mind.
But it is hard to find Kurt Bills these days. He was soliciting gas money for the bus; maybe he got stranded somewhere.
Kurt Bills is the top of the Republican ticket this fall. If you’ve seen him, Edina Rep. and Bills campaign chair Keith Downey would undoubtedly like to know.
Well! There is one Kurt Bills spotting! From Blois Olson’s Morning Take today:
RADIO: This morning GOP Sen. Candidate Kurt Bills was on Bill Bennett’s national radio show at 6:00. EXCERPTS: “…went to Winona State met my gorgeous Scandinavian wife…I have always been about restructuring taxes…let’s simplify (taxes) and give small business a reason to grow”…On closing loopholes and pushing a flat tax, “it’s not raising taxes it’s about making things simpler” On how is campaign is doing, “You know Minnesota, we’re a very blue state…nobody knows me, once people know me that I grew up blue collar…my “favs/unfavs goes to 71/31…” Bills’ reports that he was in DC a week or two ago. TEACHER: Bennett called out Rosemount High School history teacher Josh Hoekstra as a leading conservative who apparently uses tournament brackets to teach history.
I read somewhere — but cannot find it now — that Bills told Bennett he was polling 28 points behind AKlo. I also don’t know if that was offered as an improvement or not.
Update: 26 points; sorry.
Further update: As Tony, the site’s numbers guy, points out, a 71/31 fav/unfav split adds up to 102% of the population.
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