Back for a return engagement!
The opera buffa L’amante (The Paramour)
The Republican Light Comic Opera has decided to reprise its best and most critically-acclaimed production for what will undoubtedly be an extended run.
In the opening scene of the opera, the faithless soprano Ginerva sings of her love for the tenor il Vacario — the Deputy — Fredo, who receives the message warmly. In the final stanza of the aria, Il mio amore per te, however, Ginerva reveals that her love is really for the bass, the dark stranger in the back of the hall, Luca Brasi.
Upon hearing this news, il Vacario departs, vowing dark revenge. As he exits, he sings a send-up reminiscent of one of Handel’s arias, Scherza infida.
Later in the opera, il Vacario returns with vassals loyal to him, denoucing Ginerva in the chorus Lei è nient’altro che una troia.

Fredo with chorus | MPR photograph
It’s a tale of innocence lost, political intrigue, betrayal, revenge — and comic ineptitude.
The production is opening NOW in the Ramsey County Courthouse in downtown St. Paul. You won’t want to miss it.
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