Who is Bill Glahn?
What are you hiding, Bill?
Bill Glahn is the Republican candidate endorsed by the party to run against Ron Erhardt in the new House District 49A.
Ron, of course, was a member of the Minnesota House from Edina, representing district 42B, 42A, and 41A — without ever moving — from his first election in 1990 until he was denied the Republican endorsement — along with Neil Peterson in 41B — for voting to override Governor Pawlenty’s veto of a badly-needed gas tax increase in 2008.
Glahn worked for Pawlenty — I think at the time of the veto override, actually — in the Commerce Department, where Glahn describes his position as “energy czar.” Before that, and after that, too, Glahn has worked as a “consultant,” a word often used as shorthand for “looking for a job.”
If you go to Bill Glahn’s campaign website, it says that he lives in the Normandale Park neighborhood of Edina with his wife and a daughter who attends Creek Valley. That’s really all it says. He said in an appearance on the Late Debate radio show that he moved to Edina a few years ago because of the good public schools.
Glahn is not from Minnesota — nothing wrong with that — but it is obvious that he’s another character like Katherine Kersten, Annette Meeks, Jason Lewis (who moved to Minnesota, moved away, and then moved back), Kurt Zellers, Mitch Berg, Cheri Pearson Yecki, Michele Bachmann, et al. who move to Minnesota and then whine incessantly about how uncompetitive we are.
He’s apparently a favorite of Sue Jeffers on Libertarian TV.
If you do an internet search on Glahn, it is clear that he loves himself some fossil fuels. Which makes his talking about “Clean Energy Infrastructure” extra funny.
There’s another interesting thing, though. When Glahn appears on Libertrarian TV, or is quoted by the Minnesota Free Market Institute website, for example, there is usually a link to Glanh’s blog. If you try to read the blog, as just a member of the hoi polloi — or even as a resident of House District 49A — this is what you will get:
What was a blog that the public was encouraged to read has closed up shop after Glahn became a candidate. Obviously, he wrote some things that he doesn’t think will play very well in the district he wants to represent.
In the spirit of full disclosure and open debate, Bill, please open it back up so we can see what you really think.
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