A new LeftMN feature, Election Resources
As some of you may have noticed, we’ve rolled out a new feature here at LeftMN, the Election Resources page. But some of you may not have noticed this, which is the reason for the existence of this post, to inform those of you who are not yet aware.
The page itself consists of a couple of headings; Practical Information, Interactive Polling charts, and Legislative Information. I will now discuss these three distinct sections in a little bit of detail.
The Practical information heading has under it, practical information. Essentially, these are links to pertinent parts of the Secretary of State‘s website. If you want to know where you’re supposed to go to vote, and for some of you this may be different than in past elections due to redistricting, there is a link for that. If you want to know what your ballot will look like, you can see that too. Want to know if or where you’re registered, you can find that out. You can even see what’s going on with your absentee ballot. All of it useful and practical information.
The Interactive Polling charts heading has under it, links to interactive polling charts lovingly crafted by the present author using the handy Google Charts API. Each link contains two charts and a table. The first chart is a line graph of the rolling average of polls, limited to the last five polls. The second chart is a scatter plot of the actual poll results. And the sortable table at the bottom is a more detailed breakdown of the individual polls that make up the charts.
The third and final heading (for now) contains information on the Minnesota Legislative races. Here you can find a complete listing of who is running against whom, what the partisan nature of those districts are and the fundraising totals for those candidates as well as links to all of the Better Know a Senate district posts that went up over the Summer.
If there is anything you would like to see on the page that I’ve not included let me know via email, info at left dot mn.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.