Teach, your children well, their father’s hell
And by age eleven, they can recite your catechism of fear and hate
This is a clip from The Uptake’s coverage of the marriage equality hearings in the House and Senate at the Capitol on March 12, 2013.
This is more chilling than the children cavorting around on the grass with “one man – one woman” signs as Pastor Brad spewed hate with a bullhorn at the “boycott” of General Mills last summer. There were other children, as young as eight, uniformly home schooled, apparently, who were at the hearings and shoved in front of reporters to give their “testimony” about gay marriage. Mind control of children is one of the pillars of the home school movement, but that’s a subject for another day.
This is the abuse of a child, and shame on the Legislature for allowing it.
You can read Jennifer Brooks’ Strib story about the hearings. The story included this quote from Pastor (really) Dan Hall:
Sen. Dan Hall, R-Burnsville, said his opposition to the marriage legislation didn’t mean he should be branded a bigot or bully.
“We want to treat everybody with love and respect [and] I think we can do that without redefining marriage,” he said. “Is this about romantic sexual relationship? Or is it about the benefits? The money? What is it you really want? Marriage doesn’t make you more or less valuable. You’re all valuable.”
“What is it you really want?” It was an astonishing remark. Not that many years ago, you could hear a similar refrain about feminism, “What do women really want?”
And the answer to thick heads like Pastor Dan is the same: just to be treated like everyone else.
And by the way, Pastor Dan, in light of what we know about being gay or lesbian today, in spite of Glenn Gruenhagen’s words to the contrary, you are indeed a bigot.
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