The Weekly Wrap 3-1
There were a lot of developments as it regards passage of a Marriage equality bill at the Minnesota Capitol this week and that’s where we begin.
♣ On Monday, The National Organization for Marriage announced that they will totally not like it if Republicans vote for Marriage equality. They will not like it so much, that they will spend their hard raised money to defeat these Republicans who vote in such a way.
Republicans like Branden Petersen don’t realize that not only is voting to redefine marriage a terrible policy, it is also a career-ending vote for a Republican,” Brown said. “NOM will do everything in our power to defeat any Republican who votes in favor of same-sex marriage.
This threat might be taken more seriously if NOM hadn’t just spent the last election getting their collective asses handed to them in four statewide elections while notching victories in exactly zero.
♣ On Wednesday supporters of the Gay Marriage introduced much anticipated Marriage equality legislation. The bill is being carried in the Senate by Scott Dibble and in the House by Karen Clark.
Always the classiest man in the room, Senator Dan Hall had this response:
I personally will go to jail before I ever perform a marriage to a homosexual.
In the tradition of great civil rights leaders of the past, Dan Hall is willing to sacrifice his very freedom, that which we as Americans hold dear, so that others can continue to hate. And for that selflessness, Dan Hall is a True Minnesota Hater Hero.
♣ While not Minnesota news, but nevertheless related news, friend of the LeftMN Radio Hour and Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe, along with colleague Brendon Ayanbadejo, filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court in support of striking down Proposition 8.
♣ The field of candidates in the race to be the next Chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota has settled a bit, with two men emerging as the front runners. Those august gentleman of note are; former Minnesota State Representative Keith Downey (establishment), and Bill Paulsen (liberty).
The winner gets to try and run a party in debt and disarray. Best of luck fellas!
♣ While supporters of Ranked Choice Voting are quick to point out all of it’s perceived strengths, one question often left unanswered, or glossed over, is the question of cost.
City Clerk Casey Carl told the City Council’s Elections Committee on Wednesday that he’s short $385,000 of the nearly $1.7 million that’s needed to properly run the more expensive ranked-choice voting method the city uses for municipal elections.
Election costs will run even higher this year than last year, when the city had a massive 82 percent presidential election turnout, he said. That’s despite an expected smaller turnout for the 22 races and a probable charter referendum.
Ranked-choice balloting debuted in 2009 but cost the city five times more than traditional voting. This year the city also has to train workers on expected new voting equipment.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.