Robin Marty appearance at Drinking Liberally
Robin Marty, known to many of you as the host of Drinking Liberally in Minneapolis in its formative years, will be our guest this week, Thursday, May 23rd (that’s tomorrow) to talk about the book that she co-authored with Jessica Pieklo. Crow after Roe, published this spring, chronicles the roll-back efforts in the states to chip away a the seminal reproductive choice decision, Roe v. Wade.
Robin will have some books to sell and sign, and I am sure she’ll sign yours if you already have one.
And, if that is not enough — although it certainly should be — we’ll observe the first anniversary of the rollout of LeftMN — which you are reading now in case you hadn’t noticed. LeftMN was, um, conceived at Drinking Liberally.
DLers start to gather at six; Robin’s remarks will begin around seven.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.