The Weekly Wrap 5-3
♣ After having an opponent, though briefly, then not having one, it looked like Chris Coleman was going to get a pass. Maybe not:
Tim Holden’s move to file paperwork for his mayoral campaign moves him one step closer to a run against popular DFL Mayor Chris Coleman, who is seeking a third four-year term in November.
This amps up the campaign for Holden, a landlord and businessman with no previous political experience. At the Republican city caucus earlier this month, Holden introduced himself but plans to run as an independent.
Ah yes, the old “Republican running as an Independent” thing trick. That one gets ’em every time!
♣ Over in Minneapolis, the DFL held it’s ward conventions last Saturday. Three incumbent council members failed to win endorsement for re-election, and at this time, it appears that all three will still seek re-election.
In the sixth ward incumbent Robert Lilligren dropped out before the balloting began, apparently the writing on the wall was hard to miss. The endorsement was won by Abdi Warsame over Mohamed Cali. It should be said though, there are quite a few allegations of less then above the board organizing going on in ward 6.
Oh caucuses…
In the tenth ward, home of incumbent and all around class act Meg Tuthill, the nomination went to Lisa Bender.
As in victory, Tuthill was classy in defeat:
The Uptown convention may prove to be the most decisive, since Tuthill pledged during the proceedings to suspend her campaign if someone else took the endorsement. When Bender won after five ballots, however, Tuthill questioned what “suspend” really meant. “It didn’t say for how long, it didn’t say permanently, it didn’t say for 20 minutes, it didn’t say for four years,” Tuthill said. “I don’t know.”
“I’m not doing anything right now but planning to get the hell out of town,” Tuthill added, referring to upcoming vacation plans. “I have no plans to pick up a campaign, to end a campaign, I have no plans to do anything right now.
Meg Tuthill was going to support the victor, because until she lost it was likely inconceivable to her that she would lose. But now she has. And she doesn’t know what she’s going to do.
Which means she’s going to run.
In Ward 12 there was no endorsement for incumbent Sandy Colvin Roy, or anyone else.
♣ Following on the heels of Scott Honour’s announcement that he will challenge Mark Dayton for Governor, Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson has announced that he will be making an announcement this Sunday.
This comes seven months after Johnson initially indicated that he was interested in the race, that happened the day after the election.
♣ Governor Mark Dayton had a less than warm response to the idea that the Minnesota Legislature deserves a pay raise.
Why is it that people are against this idea? This is why:
SurveyUSA (4/25, 2/5 in parenthesis):
Do you approve? Or disapprove? Of the job the state legislature is doing?
Approve 28 (25)
Disapprove 56 (50)
Not Sure 17 (16)
(MoE: ±4.5%)
Minnesotan’s do not approve of the job the state legislature is doing. Even freaking Democrats don’t approve of the job the state legislature is doing. The Governor tried to sell the idea of a pay raise for these very same people that nobody in Minnesota thinks is doing a good job. Hilarity ensued. Shocking, I know.
The only group in this whole fiasco who seems to know what they’re doing is the house. So good for them.
♣ If you didn’t see this, well, it might be the greatest GIF ever produced by anyone ever. Observe:
That’s Yu Darvish, pitcher for the Texas Rangers. The GIF is a composite of his five pitches, from a high 90s cutter the bores in on right-handers, to a looney tunes curveball that sits around 65. Also, three other pitches with different movement and speeds.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.