The Weekly Wrap 7-27
♣ The House Majority PAC commissioned a poll of Minnesota’s second congressional district, pitting incumbent John Kline against return challenger Mike Obermueller.
Victoria (7/23, no trend lines):
John Kline (R-inc) 45
Mike Obermueller (D) 32
Undecided 23
(MoE: ±4.9%)
John Kline is under 50%, and not by just a couple of points. He’s so far below 50% that it would actually be more accurate to say that John Kline is mired in the mid forties. And his job approvals aren’t any better, 41% give him excellent/good marks, while 48% give him only fair/poor marks.
This is an internal poll, so read into that what you will. One note about Victoria though, they polled the MN-8 race last cycle as discussed in this Wrap. Their October poll showed rick Nolan defeating Chip Cravaack 48-44, Nolan ended up winning 54-45.
With Shelly Bach out of the picture for next cycle, and Erik Paulsen having the third district seemingly locked down, the second district is Democrats best shot at a pick-up in Minnesota.
♣ One thing that could potentially put the third district in play would be the entrance of a Democratic candidate with almost universal name recognition and popularity. But is there such a person in the third district?
I’m flattered I would be approached, but truth is, I’m not much of a partisan and my politics, for what they are, are a little goofy. I would be a terrible congressman. I would rat out every special interest hack and poser. Still a reporter. Therefore, I would be relegated to some form of quarantine.“
Nevertheless, [Don] Shelby acknowledged that Paulsen’s swing district could be in play. “Third can be won by a Democrat. It voted for Kerry, and Obama twice. But, that would make me a Democrat, if I ran. They are pushing hard, the Washington crowd. They think this is winnable, and I’m a guy who might do it. But, that would mean that I had written my last news story. I may just keep trying to bring ideologies together on science as a journalist.
That’s TV and Internet news person of note Don Shelby playing down his interest in running for Minnesota’s third congressional district seat.
I think this, from DailyKos Elections guru David Nir, sums it up best.
Or as one excited Minnesota reader told me, a Shelby candidacy would be a “holy fucking shit balls” development.
Indeed. And the balls of shit would likely be in Erik Paulsen’s underoos.
♣ Last week I discussed Collin Peterson’s fundraising and what it may or may not mean about his running for re-election in 2014. Now there is word that a Republican is interested in the race:
A Republican businessman from Montevideo says he’s thinking about challenging DFL Rep. Collin Peterson.
Scott Van Binsbergen says he’s met with officials with the National Republican Congressional Campaign and the Minnesota Republican Party about a possible run. He says he hasn’t made a final decision but is thinking about it seriously.
Who is Scott Van Binsbergen?
He’s run for office and worked for several Republican politicians including former Congressman Vin Weber and former Senator Rudy Boschwitz. He lost two bids for the state Legislature.
He sounds perfect!
♣ The MNGOP is in the top seven! But not really the top seven you want to be in.
♣ Over at Politics in Minnesota Briana Bierschbach looks at the approach that the Republicans as-yet announced candidates are taking to the question of whether they should run to the primary.
♣ This, from the Census Bureau, is pretty cool (h/t RSB):
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