Oct 9, 2013, 5:42 PM
Now showing in the press near you
… as the plot thickens it pays to know the protagonist from the antagonists.
New revelations daily. Find out the answers to these questions:
- Who knew what when?
- Is all the evidence intact?
- Who funneled money to whom over and above the pension?
- Is there a dark past in Detroit or Sacred Heart Seminary?
- Can the lobbyist find someone elses civil rights to trample?
- Will the list of 33 be revealed?
- What else is in the safe?
- Was the New Ulm diocese heartbroken to lose the bishop?
- Will the Minnesota Catholic Conference reveal all?
… and more
- Can God break a twenty?
- Will there be hot showers in heaven?
The intrigue and drama continue… stay tuned to the new Archdiocesan soap opera:
“Days of our Lies”
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.