A month of Drinking Liberally
The next four weeks will be action packed at Drinking Liberally in Minneapolis.
Tonight we’ll talk about the upcoming conventions for the DFL and the Republicans, and we’ll do it out on the patio, in the first honest-to-goodness “we can sit outside” DL of the season.
Note: We will also be observing the 11th birthday (today!) of the Drinking Liberally national organization. (The Minneapolis chapter will be ten in October.) Come and bend your elbow to celebrate.
Next week, June 5th, Prof. Bill Gleason, a retired faculty member at the U of M medical school, will be our guest to talk about the controversy surrounding the suicide death of Dan Markingson, involved in a clinical trial at the school, and the efforts of Prof. Gleason and others, including Gov. Arne Carlson, to obtain a thorough independent investigation of the matter. There will be further information about this program in a few days.
On June 12th and 19th, our guests will be Mr. Mohamud Noor and Rep. Phyllis Kahn, respectively. Mr. Noor is challenging Rep. Kahn for the DFL spot in the November election for the House seat currently held by Rep. Kahn, HD60B. Phyllis Kahn is the longest-serving member of the Minnesota House. Again, watch for more information to come.
For persons interested in these programs and who abstain, please know that the consumption of alcohol is not required to attend Drinking Liberally meetings.
Drinking Liberally in Minneapolis meets every Thursday from six to nine PM at the 331 Club in northeast Minneapolis, 331 – 13th Avenue N.E., the corner of 13th and University Avenues N.E. Programs, such as the ones on the 5th, 12th, and 19th, start at seven.
We hope to see you there.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.