The Weekly Wrap 5-11
The Wrap™ was on vacation last week, so this week will contain some items that are a bit moldy from sitting on the counter for an extra week.
♣ Don’t forget that this Tuesday the 13th a bonus election will be taking place for the Hennepin County commissioner seat being vacated by Gail Dorfman. The candidates are former State Representative Marion Greene and St. Louis Park Council-member Anne Mavity.
♣ DFLers in Minnesota’s sixth congressional district have selected a candidate to go up against the eventual Republican nominee, likely to be Tom Emmer, for Representative Michele Bachmann’s seat in November. That person is Sartell Mayor Joe Perske:
Perske beat out the other two Democrats, Saint John’s professor Jim Read and Judy Adams of Circle Pines.
♣ Former United States Congressman from Minnesota, James Oberstar died on May the 3rd in Maryland.
♣ US Senate hopeful Mike McFadden is against Obamacare, because doctors are totally unnecessary, and reasonable people can take out their own stitches:
I’m not sure I really get the point of this ad. And if McFadden is so freaking cheap, why is he advertising via the most expensive avenue possible, Television?
♣ Senator Al Franken released his first Television advertisement of the campaign cycle, a positive spot about how he is helping to connect community colleges with manufacturers:
♣ Marty Seifert is also up on the TeeVee with his first ad of the cycle, a bio spot, and the first ad anyone has yet aired in the race for Governor of Minnesota:
♣ The Chamber of Commerce is also up on the air with an ad supporting eighth district hopeful Stewart Mills:
The Minneapolis Charter Commission is making its third attempt to raise the cost of running for office in the city.
After seeing a staggering 35 candidates for office on last year’s ballot, the commission decided to recommend that the city raise the filing fee for mayor from $20 to $250.
Some people though are not so happy about this change, one of those 35 candidates who ran for Mayor for instance:
Captain Jack Sparrow, one of the less viable candidates, received fewer than 400 votes. But Sparrow said raising the fees is undemocratic.
“Maybe you all have plenty of money. You can afford $250,” Sparrow said. “I can’t afford it. A lot of people who are serious candidates can’t afford it either.”
Which is BS. If you are a serious candidate, your campaign can afford $250. If your campaign cannot afford $250, then you are not a serious candidate. This is an indisputable fact.
Candidates who can’t pay the fee can still have their names placed on the ballot if they gather 500 signatures.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.