Miscellany: Lifehacks with bread bags (1/26)
Ace teevee reporter Pat Kessler explains how it was really done:
So did our family of 13 kids in Minnesota: we wore bread bags over our feet inside winter boots to keep dry and warm.
— Patrick Kessler (@PatKessler) January 26, 2015
Only a complete nimrod would put bags on the outside of shoes because they would be shredded in nothing flat. It only adds to the inauthenticity of Joni Ernst’s story.
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Steve Sack on bread bags
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I got a comment about a prior issue of Miscellany complaining about my description of the chronology of the signing of the tax conformity bill. It was signed by keepingyouhonest@mail.mn. Since it looked to me that the commenter was sending this on the state’s nickel, I replied and asked who it was. The mail postmaster said nobody here by that name. Boy, that was a surprise.
The IP address of the sender is And as I reported, the last item before the bill could be signed by the governor was the signoff by Speaker Kurt Daudt, who was out of town.
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The campaign theme — or maybe meme — last fall was that the Republicans were out to help the neglected rural areas. But the session is just a couple of weeks old and already the Republicans are bailing on their promises. The governor unveiled his transportation plan today, and it called for transportation tax increases and a sales tax in the metro area. After whining about roads and bridges, now the Republican Transportation Chair in the House says, Not so Fast!
State Rep Tim Kelly, GOP Transpo Chair, says his committee wants details explaining need for new revenue. pic.twitter.com/TPYm4rtBjA — John Croman (@JohnCroman) January 26, 2015
Kelly has been around the House for a while, and the Transpotation Committee, too; his remarks are frankly astonishing. I wrote all along last fall the the Republicans weren’t really serious, and that rural voters who cast their vote for Republicans would be seduced and abandoned.
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One of the other gripes of rural residents is the lack of broadband access for their homes, schools, and businesses. Pat Congdon reported on it and included a quote in the article he wrote for the Sunday Strib. Today, the very next day, Annette “Let them eat Dialup” Meeks wrote in the Strib that broadband access should be left to the private sector.
The private sector will get broadband to rural Minnesota. You just may not live long enough to see it.
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