Steve Sack returns as a guest to Drinking Liberally
This is early notice but for a reason.
[Update: The Strib distribution people say it takes about a week after placing an order for the book to arrive. With the Thanksgiving holiday next week, I suggest you get any order in by say, Saturday the 18th.]
On Thursday, November 30th, the Star Tribune cartoonist Steve Sack will be the guest speaker at Drinking Liberally’s Minneapolis chapter. That’s Thursday, November 30th. We’ll be at the 331 Club, that’s at 331 – 13th Avenue N.E., a/k/a the corner of 13th and University Avenues Northeast. When the days are short, that is virtually in the shadows of the historic Grain Belt brewery.
People start to gather at Drinking Liberally around six PM, and Steve’s remarks will begin at seven.
Steve has received national attention for his cartoons, especially recently, about Donald Trump and the Trump administration.
Steve has promised to show us some cartoons from his new book, The First and Only Book of Sack, (although I personally hope that is not true) and tell us a little about the process of making a political cartoon.
It will also be a book-signing event, kind of, and that’s the reason for the early notice. The only place to get Steve’s book is from the Star Tribune online. There won’t be copies available that evening at the 331 Club. So if you want a copy of the book inscribed by Steve, you have to rouse yourself and get a copy in advance. That’s the bad news. The good news is that it’s really easy to do. Just go over to this link and place your order:
But don’t delay. The 30th will be here before you know it. Order several; it’ll make a great gift.
Much better than a Chia Pet or a Clapper.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.