hPVI 2019, House edition
It’s time for the bi-annual release of hPVI, Minnesota’s Oldest And Most Beloved Legislative District Metric™.
For those unfamiliar with hPVI, it’s a partisan voting index for state legislative districts that I’ve been compiling in one form or another for over nine years.
In the first part of this post I will do some analysis of the new version, if you’re jonesing for the numbers though, the actual hPVIs can be found at the bottom of the post.
For more information on what hPVI is see the explainer (from the 2017 edition, but still relevant as an explainer). For programmatic access to the numbers see the hPVI API. There is also an hPVI LeftMN sub-site now which can be found at hpvi.left.mn.
House hPVI Histogram
Like with the Senate version, the state of play in the House has shifted further towards the DFL since the last edition of hPVI. The DFL now has more Even to D+10 districts than the GOP does, 31 to 25, in the 2017 version the GOP had 37 such districts to the DFLs 36.
Looking at the next bucket, in 2017 the DFL had 10 districts rated from D+10 to D+20, now they have 16, while the GOP went from having 31 to 32. And in 2017 the GOP had a single district R+20 or greater, now they have 5, while the DFL went from having 19 districts over D+20 to having 24 now.
Here is all of that information in a more digestible form:
Year | > R+20 | R+20 – R+11 | R+10 – Even | Even – D+10 | D+11 – D+20 | > D+20 | Total GOP | Total DFL |
2019 | 5 | 32 | 25 | 32 | 16 | 24 | 62 | 72 |
2017 | 1 | 31 | 37 | 36 | 10 | 19 | 69 | 65 |
* Note: 37B has a raw hPVI of 0.004, ever so slightly DFL leaning, so I’ve put it in the Even to D+10 bucket. But 0.004 is essentially zero and one could make a credible argument that 37B doesn’t really belong in any of the buckets.
As with the Senate, the DFL now has more districts it is favored in than the GOP does. In the Senate hPVI post I translated the hPVIs of the districts into rough race ratings of the Toss-up, Lean, Likely and Safe variety which I will replicate for the house version below.
Safe GOP | Likely GOP | Lean GOP | Toss-up | Lean DFL | Likely DFL | Safe DFL |
37 | 11 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 40 |
59 | 11 | 64 |
Unlike the Senate edition where six of the eight Toss-up districts have GOP incumbents, in the House version eight of the 11 Toss-up districts have DFL incumbents. The reason for this disparity is that the House was up for election in 2018, a year in which the DFL won a bunch of Toss-up districts, while the Senate was not.
Those Toss-up districts are:
District | Name | Party | hPVI |
3A | Rob Ecklund | DFL | EVEN |
14B | Dan Wolgamott | DFL | D+2 |
27B | Jeanne Poppe | DFL | EVEN |
33B | Kelly Morrison | DFL | EVEN |
36A | Zack Stephenson | DFL | EVEN |
37B | Nolan West | R | EVEN |
38B | Ami Wazlawik | DFL | D+1 |
39B | Michelle Christensen | DFL | D+1 |
47B | Greg Boe | R | R+1 |
54B | Tony Jurgens | R | R+1 |
55A | Brad Tabke | DFL | EVEN |
Amazingly, in the House, there are only two members who are in districts that lean to the party opposite the one they are in:
District | Name | Party | hPVI |
4B | Paul Marquart | DFL | R+8 |
5A | John Persell | DFL | R+3 |
While Persell will no doubt be one of the GOPs top targets for 2020, don’t be surprised if they don’t try too hard to unseat Marquart, who defies political gravity better than any one else in the legislature.
At the same time Donald Trump was winning 4B by over 21 points, 56.7-35.1, Marquart was cruising to re-election 53.9-46.1. In 2019 Jeff Johnson won 4B by over nine points while Marquart won by almost 18 points. In both cases Marquart’s margin of victory was almost 30 points better than the DFLs top-of-the-ticket candidate.
House hPVI Table Analysis
The same broad trends in the Senate numbers are present in the House numbers as well (as would be expected). The districts outside of the metro area continued moving towards the GOP while the suburban districts surrounding the Twin Cities continued moving towards the DFL.
Greater Minnesota District Movement
1A (Dan Fabian) R+12 to R+16, a 4 point swing (12 points since 2015).
2A (Matt Grossell) R+7 to R+11, a 4 point swing (10 points since 2015).
3A (Rob Ecklund) D+4 to Even, a 4 point swing (9 points since 2015).
5B (Sandy Layman) R+4 to R+7, a 3 point swing (9 points since 2015).
6A (Julie Sandstede) D+8 to D+3, an 5 point swing (13 points since 2015).
6B (Dave Lislegard) D+6 to D+3, an 3 point swing (11 points since 2015).
10B (Dale Lueck) R+9 to R+13, a 4 point swing (10 points since 2015).
11B (Nathan Nelson) R+8 to R+12, a 4 point swing (11 points since 2015).
17A (Tim Miller) R+9 to R+14, a 5 point swing (13 points since 2015).
Suburban Minnesota District Movement
42A (Kelly Moller) D+5 to D+9, a 4 point swing (6 points since 2015).
44A (Ginny Klevorn) R+2 to D+7, a 9 point swing (10 points since 2015).
47B (Greg Boe) R+6 to R+1, a 5 point swing (8 points since 2015).
48A (Laurie Pryor) D+6 to D+10, a 4 point swing (7 points since 2015).
48B (Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn) D+1 to D+7, a 6 point swing (11 points since 2015).
49A (Heather Edelson) D+8 to D+13, a 5 point swing (11 points since 2015).
51B (Laurie Halverson) D+6 to D+10, a 4 point swing (8 points since 2015).
53B (Steve Sandell) Even to D+5, a 5 point swing (9 points since 2015).
56A (Hunter Cantrell) R+1 to D+3, a 4 point swing (6 points since 2015).
The House hPVI Table
district | name | party | hpvi | rpvi | abs |
01A | Dan Fabian | R | R+16 | -16.23 | 16.23 |
01B | Debra Kiel | R | R+12 | -12.48 | 12.48 |
02A | Matt Grossell | R | R+11 | -10.62 | 10.62 |
02B | Steve Green | R | R+15 | -15.09 | 15.09 |
03A | Rob Ecklund | DFL | EVEN | 0.42 | 0.42 |
03B | Mary Murphy | DFL | D+7 | 6.83 | 6.83 |
04A | Ben Lien | DFL | D+7 | 6.56 | 6.56 |
04B | Paul Marquart | DFL | R+8 | -8.30 | 8.30 |
05A | John Persell | DFL | R+3 | -3.15 | 3.15 |
05B | Sandy Layman | R | R+7 | -7.48 | 7.48 |
06A | Julie Sandstede | DFL | D+3 | 2.78 | 2.78 |
06B | Dave Lislegard | DFL | D+3 | 2.86 | 2.86 |
07A | Jennifer Schultz | DFL | D+21 | 21.00 | 21.00 |
07B | Liz Olson | DFL | D+18 | 17.55 | 17.55 |
08A | Bud Nornes | R | R+14 | -13.87 | 13.87 |
08B | Mary Franson | R | R+17 | -16.76 | 16.76 |
09A | John Poston | R | R+22 | -21.57 | 21.57 |
09B | Ron Kresha | R | R+23 | -23.42 | 23.42 |
10A | Josh Heintzeman | R | R+13 | -12.75 | 12.75 |
10B | Dale Lueck | R | R+13 | -13.37 | 13.37 |
11A | Mike Sundin | DFL | D+4 | 4.37 | 4.37 |
11B | Nathan Nelson | R | R+12 | -12.00 | 12.00 |
12A | Jeff Backer | R | R+11 | -11.28 | 11.28 |
12B | Paul Anderson | R | R+21 | -20.50 | 20.50 |
13A | Lisa Demuth | R | R+15 | -14.93 | 14.93 |
13B | Tim O’Driscoll | R | R+14 | -14.31 | 14.31 |
14A | Tama Theis | R | R+4 | -3.56 | 3.56 |
14B | Dan Wolgamott | DFL | D+2 | 1.71 | 1.71 |
15A | Sondra Erickson | R | R+18 | -17.66 | 17.66 |
15B | Shane Mekeland | R | R+23 | -22.53 | 22.53 |
16A | Chris Swedzinski | R | R+12 | -11.78 | 11.78 |
16B | Paul Torkelson | R | R+15 | -14.65 | 14.65 |
17A | Tim Miller | R | R+14 | -13.55 | 13.55 |
17B | Dave Baker | R | R+10 | -9.54 | 9.54 |
18A | Dean Urdahl | R | R+17 | -17.19 | 17.19 |
18B | Glenn Gruenhagen | R | R+18 | -18.22 | 18.22 |
19A | Jeff Brand | DFL | D+4 | 3.68 | 3.68 |
19B | John Considine Jr. | DFL | D+10 | 10.10 | 10.10 |
20A | Bob Vogel | R | R+13 | -13.31 | 13.31 |
20B | Todd Lippert | DFL | D+4 | 3.81 | 3.81 |
21A | Barb Haley | R | R+3 | -2.73 | 2.73 |
21B | Steve Drazkowski | R | R+11 | -11.48 | 11.48 |
22A | Joe Schomacker | R | R+16 | -16.21 | 16.21 |
22B | Rod Hamilton | R | R+12 | -12.17 | 12.17 |
23A | Bob Gunther | R | R+16 | -15.58 | 15.58 |
23B | Jeremy Munson | R | R+8 | -8.02 | 8.02 |
24A | John Petersburg | R | R+9 | -8.85 | 8.85 |
24B | Brian Daniels | R | R+10 | -9.65 | 9.65 |
25A | Duane Quam | R | R+5 | -5.15 | 5.15 |
25B | Duane Sauke | DFL | D+8 | 7.96 | 7.96 |
26A | Tina Liebling | DFL | D+12 | 12.03 | 12.03 |
26B | Nels Pierson | R | R+5 | -4.73 | 4.73 |
27A | Peggy Bennett | R | R+5 | -4.81 | 4.81 |
27B | Jeanne Poppe | DFL | EVEN | -0.36 | 0.36 |
28A | Gene Pelowski Jr. | DFL | D+6 | 5.69 | 5.69 |
28B | Greg Davids | R | R+5 | -4.92 | 4.92 |
29A | Joe McDonald | R | R+16 | -15.59 | 15.59 |
29B | Marion O’Neill | R | R+13 | -13.01 | 13.01 |
30A | Nick Zerwas | R | R+14 | -13.66 | 13.66 |
30B | Eric Lucero | R | R+15 | -14.66 | 14.66 |
31A | Kurt Daudt | R | R+21 | -20.82 | 20.82 |
31B | Cal Bahr | R | R+16 | -16.23 | 16.23 |
32A | Brian Johnson | R | R+16 | -15.79 | 15.79 |
32B | Anne Neu | R | R+12 | -12.02 | 12.02 |
33A | Jerry Hertaus | R | R+9 | -8.68 | 8.68 |
33B | Kelly Morrison | DFL | EVEN | 0.20 | 0.20 |
34A | Kristin Robbins | R | R+5 | -4.54 | 4.54 |
34B | Kristin Bahner | DFL | D+3 | 3.26 | 3.26 |
35A | John Heinrich | R | R+6 | -5.60 | 5.60 |
35B | Peggy Scott | R | R+8 | -7.72 | 7.72 |
36A | Zack Stephenson | DFL | EVEN | 0.39 | 0.39 |
36B | Melissa Hortman | DFL | D+8 | 7.86 | 7.86 |
37A | Erin Koegel | DFL | D+3 | 2.91 | 2.91 |
37B | Nolan West | R | EVEN | 0.00 | 0.00 |
38A | Linda Runbeck | R | R+4 | -3.67 | 3.67 |
38B | Ami Wazlawik | DFL | D+1 | 0.96 | 0.96 |
39A | Bob Dettmer | R | R+4 | -3.89 | 3.89 |
39B | Michelle Christensen | DFL | D+1 | 1.11 | 1.11 |
40A | Michael V. Nelson | DFL | D+23 | 22.69 | 22.69 |
40B | Samantha Vang | DFL | D+21 | 21.15 | 21.15 |
41A | Connie Bernardy | DFL | D+13 | 12.85 | 12.85 |
41B | Mary Kunesh-Podein | DFL | D+20 | 19.55 | 19.55 |
42A | Kelly Moller | DFL | D+9 | 8.62 | 8.62 |
42B | Jamie Becker-Finn | DFL | D+12 | 12.07 | 12.07 |
43A | Peter Fischer | DFL | D+10 | 9.72 | 9.72 |
43B | Leon Lillie | DFL | D+9 | 9.07 | 9.07 |
44A | Ginny Klevorn | DFL | D+7 | 7.33 | 7.33 |
44B | Patty Acomb | DFL | D+12 | 11.83 | 11.83 |
45A | Lyndon Carlson Sr. | DFL | D+14 | 14.24 | 14.24 |
45B | Mike Freiberg | DFL | D+21 | 20.66 | 20.66 |
46A | Ryan Winkler | DFL | D+22 | 22.36 | 22.36 |
46B | Cheryl Youakim | DFL | D+25 | 25.04 | 25.04 |
47A | Jim Nash | R | R+13 | -13.47 | 13.47 |
47B | Greg Boe | R | R+1 | -0.86 | 0.86 |
48A | Laurie Pryor | DFL | D+10 | 10.36 | 10.36 |
48B | Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn | DFL | D+7 | 6.96 | 6.96 |
49A | Heather Edelson | DFL | D+13 | 13.46 | 13.46 |
49B | Steve Elkins | DFL | D+11 | 11.23 | 11.23 |
50A | Michael Howard | DFL | D+19 | 18.68 | 18.68 |
50B | Andrew Carlson | DFL | D+12 | 11.76 | 11.76 |
51A | Sandra Masin | DFL | D+11 | 10.75 | 10.75 |
51B | Laurie Halverson | DFL | D+10 | 10.05 | 10.05 |
52A | Rick Hansen | DFL | D+13 | 12.89 | 12.89 |
52B | Ruth Richardson | DFL | D+6 | 5.63 | 5.63 |
53A | Tou Xiong | DFL | D+11 | 10.69 | 10.69 |
53B | Steve Sandell | DFL | D+5 | 4.97 | 4.97 |
54A | Anne Claflin | DFL | D+5 | 4.88 | 4.88 |
54B | Tony Jurgens | R | R+1 | -0.67 | 0.67 |
55A | Brad Tabke | DFL | EVEN | -0.19 | 0.19 |
55B | Tony Albright | R | R+10 | -10.49 | 10.49 |
56A | Hunter Cantrell | DFL | D+3 | 2.83 | 2.83 |
56B | Alice Mann | DFL | D+4 | 3.78 | 3.78 |
57A | Robert Bierman | DFL | D+5 | 5.41 | 5.41 |
57B | John Huot | DFL | D+4 | 3.73 | 3.73 |
58A | Jon Koznick | R | R+4 | -4.11 | 4.11 |
58B | Pat Garofalo | R | R+9 | -8.63 | 8.63 |
59A | Fue Lee | DFL | D+35 | 35.37 | 35.37 |
59B | Raymond Dehn | DFL | D+35 | 35.41 | 35.41 |
60A | Diane Loeffler | DFL | D+35 | 35.42 | 35.42 |
60B | Mohamud Noor | DFL | D+38 | 37.98 | 37.98 |
61A | Frank Hornstein | DFL | D+37 | 36.79 | 36.79 |
61B | Jamie Long | DFL | D+37 | 36.51 | 36.51 |
62A | Hodan Hassan | DFL | D+42 | 42.35 | 42.35 |
62B | Aisha Gomez | DFL | D+43 | 42.82 | 42.82 |
63A | Jim Davnie | DFL | D+39 | 38.88 | 38.88 |
63B | Jean Wagenius | DFL | D+31 | 30.66 | 30.66 |
64A | Kaohly Her | DFL | D+35 | 35.50 | 35.50 |
64B | Dave Pinto | DFL | D+30 | 29.97 | 29.97 |
65A | Rena Moran | DFL | D+37 | 37.24 | 37.24 |
65B | Carlos Mariani | DFL | D+32 | 31.61 | 31.61 |
66A | Alice Hausman | DFL | D+24 | 24.31 | 24.31 |
66B | John Lesch | DFL | D+33 | 33.33 | 33.33 |
67A | Tim Mahoney | DFL | D+27 | 27.30 | 27.30 |
67B | Jay Xiong | DFL | D+27 | 27.26 | 27.26 |
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.