MN-01: Rep. Hagedorn sticks to Trump like a limpet
Regarding Rep. Hagedorn’s recent scandals, I don’t personally care about the Grand Canyon thing. Lots of people, from all walks of life, are always trying to score perks like that. It would be good if all of our elected lawmakers held themselves to higher standards, but, throughout the entire world history of politics, yeah, right.
The disappearing office thing is more telling, because of how it highlights his arrogance and poor judgment. Did he really take for granted that he’d get away with that? Apparently, he did.
But, the worst thing by far, about his being the U.S. Representative for MN-01, is his continued doctrinaire Trumpism.
Actually, the objective is still good … and the House passed a bill that would established a Fair Price Negotiation Program to negotiate with drug manufactures in order to obtain a maximum fair price (MFP) for certain selected drugs. The bill was authored by Minnesota’s Second District Congresswoman Angie Craig and passed with bipartisan support … alas, “Representative” Hagedorn voted NO on H.R.1425 – Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act … that is something that insulin users were probably talking to him about.
Congressman Hagedorn also voted against H. R. 3, Lower Drug Costs Now Act which also passed in a Bipartisan vote…
No wonder that President Trump has endorsed Jim Hagedorn … he can recognize a flim-flam man … a con artist … a scam artist … a hustler.
(MN Political Roundtable)
In a sense, whatever. There’s no indication that the growing number of Party of Trumpers who are belatedly trying to get a little distance from the wretched, demented, imbecilic buffoon, Trump, are politically benefiting by that. But on a personal level, perhaps it is an infinitesimal step toward regaining a tiny trace of dignity.
Like anyone with normal human feelings, I am not without a measure of compassion, here. A couple finally finds each other, to fall in love with and marry, and then they get hit with a brutal diagnosis. But that does not excuse voting to reelect. Rep. Hagedorn has shown himself ideologically, intellectually, and ethically unfit. And his opponent is a great candidate.
Comment from Mac Hall: Did you see that Randal Thom, 60, of Lakefield died in a collision shortly before 4:30 p.m. Monday on Hwy. 169 north of St. Peter ? He was known as “Front Row Joe” for traveling everywhere to be at Trump rallies. The story is that there was evidence of recent alcohol use by Thom and he was not wearing a seat belt. Jim Hagedorn acknowledged his death in a Facebook post “Randall Thom was a larger than life person who lived life to the fullest. Randall loved America, Donald J. Trump and was always so very kind to me. We will forever miss our friend and Patriot!”
Years ago, I attended the wedding of the other driver that was involved in the accident as we worked together … so this hits home. Thom’s basic disregard for safe driving could have cost many more lives …and this relates to Jim Hagedorn’s appearance in Waseca on Monday.
Hagedorn attended a parade welcoming home Waseca police officer Arik Matson for the first time since being critically wounded more than 10 months ago. The police shooter, Tyler Janovsky, had prior convictions for being an accessory to murder, making terroristic threats, burglary, and multiple drug crimes … yet he had a gun. Supposedly, Janovsky had three guns even though he had spent more time in prison over the course of his adulthood than he has out of prison. Where he got the guns has not been publicized, but the government has dropped weapons charges against him. There are stories that Janovsky wanted “suicide by cop” … which prompts a reminder of a remark by Hagedorn at a Winona town hall event in the context of questions about gun violence and gun suicides, Hagedorn said, “I don’t believe in suicide. I think it’s terrible. My religious background tells me if you kill yourself, you go to hell. It’s a bad thing.” Yet, Hagedorn does nothing about providing the weapons for even criminals to get a firearm that they could use to commit suicide (or shoot police) … in fact, Hagedorn voted AGAINST HR1112 Enhanced Background Checks Act which was passed on a bipartisan vote.
Hagedorn was interviewed at the Waseca parade event … not wearing a mask to protect him or others from COVID … and the film footage showed way too many people not wearing masks.
Wearing a mask, should be like buckling your seat belt. Drinking and driving don’t mix … and neither do guns and criminals. Yet, Jim Hagedorn does not promote that … all he sees is a patriot … er … sorry, that should be with a capital “P” … not people with a basic disregard for their fellow citizens.
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