You can leave comments on LeftMN, sort of (
by Steve Timmer
Oct 13, 2024, 7:00 PM

Regarding recent comments

Occasionally — very occasionally; we should do it more — we publish comments received at LeftMN. Usually, we just keep them and ponder them in our hearts. But here are three comments that we, or I, anyway, thought should be published.

First, here’s a comment about my story, Nostalgia is a seductive liar, from Mike.

A study released in January of this year by the Journal of the American Medical Association has found that, in the 16 months since Texas banned virtually all abortions, 26,000 women were raped pregnant. And many are too poor to travel to another state to get health care.

And if the trend has continued [thousands more have been raped since then].

Republicans, denying health care for fun and profit since Reagan.
(abortion was weaponized as a wedge issue after Carter beat Ford.)

Next, another comment to that story from Joe.

Excellent response. The Strib printed a couple but your comments deserved to be published there. Particularly this construction on your part…” Moreover, Chad has been the beneficiary of urban largess for, probably, most of his life.” These small town degenerates barely out number those who are not trump mental slaves but the ones who are do not understand at all where the money comes to runs their towns and villages. Like we pay a large part of NATO with our collective wealth we should likewise help with small town expenses like first responders etc. but good old unglad Chad needs to recognize from where that originates. But hey, the Minnesota Tribune no longer represents greatest numbers on Minnesotans. Thanks Steve. Give yourself the trophy.

Finally, a comment to Dan’s story, We don’t need six new natural gas plants, by Joe, a different Joe. A very different Joe. There is speculation among LeftMN management that this Joe might be a bot, but we can’t tell for sure.

clean energy is a farse. You folks are NUT JOBS

Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.